Monday, June 28, 2010

Week 1- The Exploring

The time that I was on the plane till the time I set foot into Sussex, it was complete exploring for me since everything was so new and different. Driving on the left side, dinky small cars, shirtless guys randomly walking around, and to top that terrible dorm rooms- this was a total setback and now i have a deeper appreciation for dorms back home.

I dont quite understand why my window OF ALL WINDOWS must have bird poop that makes it look like my window got egged... total disappointment to look out the window.poooooo

Apparently 80F here is a heatwave to the English people and when I said I was freezing at night my prof thought I was crazy and told me its one of the hottest summers lol
Anyways, went out to explore beautiful Brighton- cute little shops and restaurants in small alleys with open patios- such temptations to go broke, but i like :]
Lick reminds me of froyo at home... its good to know that it's going global and that I dont have to craze for this delicious treat anymore :]

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Anxiety

Counting down the hours till I leave arcadia/LA/Cali/sunny weather/US/fast food nation

and thats pretty awesome :]